Model Homes Available for Immediate Delivery

“Anyone can sell you a Manufactured Home, but when making such an important lifestyle decision, shouldn’t you do business with someone you trust?”

Own for Less than you can Rent!

Love Where You Live….You Can’t Live for Less!

Consider a state-of-the-art Manufactured Home from Nu-Trend Homes.  Where we have a large display of Manufactured Homes you can tour.

Nu-Trend homes are built to a higher standard than conventional housing.  Over the last 56 years,      Nu-Trend has helped thousands of families realize their dream of home ownership.

Nu-Trend was founded by C.F. “Fred” Hansen (front row – seated)  in 1967.  With his three sons Doug Hansen, Dan Hansen, and Don Hansen (back row – left to right), Nu-Trend Homes has grown into the region’s premiere Manufactured Home provider.

“Our success is because of our customers, and we measure ourselves by their satisfaction.”